Thursday, April 2, 2009

Self Promises

Actually these were old promises, I found it in an old diary under my old bed in my parent’s house. It was exactly year 2003. Some of them are already cleared, and some aren’t. So here I just want to review them a little bit. Just in case another year ahead to see what will happen.

Okey, first promise. Make myself heard. Hmm.. if it's about me and person to person, it's ok, i have it. But if it's about making myself heard in front of a serious meeting involving more than 100 people, hmm, it isn't ok. I don't have enough courage, except it's urgent or it is my responsbility, i will not go for it. Maybe someother time, mmm, like another ten years? *xixixi*

Second promise. Right on time. Okey. I have it, but sometimes anythings just happen and made me late. Uugh. For me now, spontanity sounds nicer than a serious plan, but okey, I will pay more attention to this point, make sure there are nothings happen which can make me not right on time! Jeeezzz....!

Third. Don’t afraid say no. Ok. I don't have any problem with this.

Fourth. Friendly to everyone. Hmmm, ok. I am friendly but if the situation begins to feel very annoyying, sorry guys, it isn’t always nice out there!

Fifth. Care to health. Ok, I am still working on it.

Sixth. Read more good books. Ok, I'm numbering them now, hehehe.

Seventh. Free my creativity ex. painting. Hehehe, maybe but maybe not, i still don't have enough time, excuse me!

Eighth. Make my personal album. Naaaah, it's my project till the year ends! Start saving money : Okey, I have plans! *crossing my fingers behind my back*

Ninth. See old friends : I can’t wait for this!

Tenth. Do new things everyday : Tempting!

Extras :
Disiplin terhadap hal-hal yang tak disukai ex. olahraga : Hmmmm………
Memanjakan diri sewaktu-waktu : Yeeaaahh……
Memandang sesuatu secara global, menyeluruh : Okey, I’m having it now and then.
Mencoba hal-hal baru : baru nemu komunitas fotografi asyik minggu kemaren, terus klub sepeda bugar ‘en diajak belajar main tenis sama temen2 : but they’re still in WACANA! Hehehe……

Melatih kesadaran ex. merasakan tiap kunyahan, mendengarkan tiap kata orang yang berbicara, mendengarkan tiap kata dalam lagu, memperhatikan pohon-pohon saat berjalan, etc. : this is a very serious promise that I will work on!

Now, what about your self promises?

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